Drowsy Driving is Preventable
The National Sleep Foundation holds Drowsy Driving Prevention Week (DDPW) each year the week following the end of Daylight Saving Time.
The goal of this annual campaign is to reduce the number of drivers who drive while sleep deprived. Drowsy driving is responsible for more than 6,400 U.S. deaths annually. Fall-asleep crashes are often caused by voluntarily not getting the sleep you need.
NSF encourages everyone to prioritize sleep and drive when alert and refreshed.
Articles from the National Sleep Foundation
The Importance of Sleep
A good night’s sleep is like a tune-up for your entire body. During a night’s rest, your metabolism is regulated, memories and information are retained, and your immune system receives a boost. Not getting a good, peaceful night of rest keeps you from performing at your best. If you’re struggling with sleep issues, Wellfirst Sleep Diagnostics can help you find the solution you need.
Our Diagnostic Solutions
If a doctor suggests you undergo a sleep study, or polysomnography, you may be wondering what is involved in this test and what to expect. Sleep studies help diagnose sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, periodic limb movement disorder, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, insomnia, and nighttime behaviors like sleepwalking and REM sleep behavior disorder. Often these disorders cannot be identified with a normal office visit—your doctor needs to gather more conclusive evidence while you're asleep.
A sleep study is a non-invasive, overnight exam that allows doctors to monitor you while you sleep to see what's happening in your brain and body. For this test, you will come to our sleep lab that is set up for overnight stays.
Why Choose Wellfirst Sleep?
We know sleep! We know sleep science, sleep solutions, the evidence for virtually all "sleep solutions" and we have decades of experience with patients just like you! Every human being is distinct and has a unique combination of sleep symptoms and presentation. Sleep is highly individualized and sleep outcomes No two individuals are the same when it comes to sleep. we will apply this knowledge to help you achieve the sleep and good health you deserve and are seeking. No matter what the diagnostic pathway - in our labs, at home or in an ambulatory setting with our clinician/s - we will investigate your sleep concern and help you to resolve that concern through expert diagnosis, consultation, and therapeutic alternatives that are customized for YOU.
YOUR testing and results are documented and analyzed by our credentialed, registered polysomnographic technologists and interpreted by our Sleep Specialist Physicians at the highest levels of clinical competency in sleep medicine.
Achieve lasting relief today, call 972.332.4155
to schedule your free consultation.
Overcome your sleep issues, call 972.332.4155 ​​
Drowsy Driving
Contact Us
2785 Rockbrook Drive Suite 201, Lewisville, TX
7600 Stonebrook Pkwy Suite 200, Frisco, TX
info@mypeaksleep.com | 972.332.4155